torsdag, november 05, 2009

torsdag, september 10, 2009

søndag, april 23, 2006

wild thing Posted by Picasa

onsdag, december 21, 2005

Ha ha Nikolas on the toilet, (taken 3 years ago) Posted by Picasa

Me and Black indus Posted by Picasa

Me and Kacandra riding Black Indus !! Posted by Picasa

fredag, december 02, 2005

Mathilde in the bed ZZZZZZZZZ Posted by Picasa

tirsdag, november 29, 2005

The winter is here <-- Click on this link

You must see this html dias show, click dias number in left side

torsdag, november 24, 2005

Thats a big one ! (smiling) Posted by Picasa

Out fishing with dad, No toilet !!! use the lake Posted by Picasa

Ups remember your pants Nikolas!!! Posted by Picasa

On the road again!! Posted by Picasa

lørdag, november 19, 2005

Word's can't describe this picture Posted by Picasa

My hobby, making knife's, this one is made of tusks and ivory and silver, the blade is hand made by Poul Strange in Denmark

Our hut pool, the river in the background is the oliphant river Posted by Picasa

This is a very smart gazelle (Thomson) all the females are giving birth the same day, if it's a dry periode they just wait until there is grass again, they can wait around 1-1,5 mounth before giving birth.
In Kruger there is around 600.000 thomsons, so from one day to another there is 1.2 mill.
The lions are very bussy that day.. But when there is 1.2 mill. the lions can't kill alle of them. Posted by Picasa

You all know the storry about the Limpopo river, where the elephant got his trunk. Here it is.. (dry seasson) Posted by Picasa

Keep your fingeres away!!!! nasty one Posted by Picasa

fredag, november 18, 2005

Me and a big pike 20 punds Posted by Picasa

Just love he kids down there !!!! Posted by Picasa

Airport lounge (very small) Posted by Picasa

How big are tusk's on a african elephant (VERY BIG) 200 pund each Posted by Picasa

Dinner in th Boma Posted by Picasa

Walking next to a framers fence, hunting farm animals outside Posted by Picasa

Me and my Ranger (on the horse) 35 mile that day on horse back (my ass hurt) Posted by Picasa

torsdag, november 10, 2005

South African driving school Posted by Picasa